The alphabets, motifs, and format of this sampler is similar to the CP & MP sampler worked by the Pickernell sisters in 1881, which is shown on this website. The format of both samplers is very similar. The style is also similar to the Rosina Bird sampler worked in 1881. Ada's story will tell you why this sampler was stitched in 1889.
There are a couple of unusual things about this sampler. The stitched area of the sampler is 11.5" wide x 12.5" high. There are 28 Cross stitches per inch, worked over two threads, with cotton thread on heavy unevenweave cotton fabric. The edges on this sampler were not hem stitched, the excess fabric was folded to the back. This is the only sampler that has surfaced that has not been hemstitched before finishing.
This sampler is in the collection of Lorraine Mootz. The pictures and information seen here have been shared with her permission.
Orphan Story
This sampler has a very traditional format but the story behind it is one of the most unusual Bristol samplers you will here. Ada Walker stitched this sampler after she was released early from the orphanage due to a medical condition. She stitched her sampler by using her older sister Mary Ann's sampler as a template. This 1889 sampler is a Bristol orphan style sampler not stitched in Bristol.
Please open the Ada Walker PDF to read Ada's story.
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